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Cost Comparisons

Insta-Mold’s will also reduce the amount a company annually spends on hearing protection requirements. With a lifespan of 3-5 years depending on use, working environment and employee care, Insta-Mold’s have benefits beyond just hearing protection. Below is a quick cost comparison chart reflecting the widely used “uncorded” foam disposable earplug ($0.20/pair – $0.35/pair) versus a set of “corded” Insta-Mold’s. This example makes a conservative assumption that an employee will use only two pairs of “uncorded” foam plugs each day for a total year of 240 work days. (“Corded” foam earplugs are generally $0.15 to $0.20 more expensive per pair).

Foam Uncorded Earplugs Cost Comparison

Above is a quick cost comparison chart reflecting the widely used “uncorded” foam disposable earplug ($0.20/pair – $0.35/pair) versus a set of “corded” Insta-Mold’s. This example makes a conservative assumption that an employee will use only two pairs of “uncorded” foam plugs each day for a total year of 240 work days. (“Corded” foam earplugs are generally $0.15 to $0.20 more expensive per pair).

Reusable Uncorded Earplug Cost Comparison

Above is a quick cost comparison chart reflecting the widely used “corded” tri-flanged silicone tipped earplugs, ($1.60/pair) versus a set of “corded” Insta-Mold’s. This example makes a conservative assumption that an employee will use only one pair of earplugs each day for a total year of 240 work days. (“Corded” reusable earplugs can range from $1.60-$1.98/pair depending on brand and features.)

Factoring these equations over a four-year period, the cost comparisons become immense, especially with larger work forces. In addition, the money that was saved can be better allocated to research and design, machinery maintenance, computer upgrades, building improvements, and employee hiring and training. The immediate benefits will be recognized to both company and employee for years to come.

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